
2012年10月15日—'PalliativeCare'vs'Hospice'.Theterm“palliativecare”isalsoloadedlanguagethatpatientsoftenequatewithimminentdeath.Howcan ...,Insomecases,thismayalsobereferredtoassalvagetherapy.Palliativechemotherapy-Palliativeisatypeofchemotherapy...ChemotherapyIsGivenHow ...,由AEsce著作·2021·被引用4次—Duetochemotherapyandradiation,yourtissuesarelesslikelytohealaftersurgery,sohereishigherriskforc...

The Language of Cancer

2012年10月15日 — 'Palliative Care' vs 'Hospice'. The term “palliative care” is also loaded language that patients often equate with imminent death. How can ...

Chemotherapy Terms

In some cases, this may also be referred to as salvage therapy. Palliative chemotherapy - Palliative is a type of chemotherapy ... Chemotherapy Is Given How ...

Holding Curative and Palliative Intentions

由 A Esce 著作 · 2021 · 被引用 4 次 — Due to chemotherapy and radiation, your tissues are less likely to heal after surgery, so here is higher risk for complications with this surgery, but salvage ...


PALLIATIVE CHEMOTHERAPY. Chemotherapy given to control symptoms or prolong life in a patient in whom cure is unlikely. 4. SALVAGE CHEMOTHERAPY. A potentially ...

Palliative Chemotherapy

2021年3月18日 — Palliative chemotherapy is used to help reduce cancer symptoms, improve the quality and in some cases, the length of life.

Travel distance and use of salvage palliative ...

由 S Ahmed 著作 · 2018 · 被引用 7 次 — Background. Salvage palliative chemotherapy in metastatic colorectal cancer has been associated with significant improvement in survival.

Curative, Life‐Extending, and Palliative Chemotherapy

由 AI Neugut 著作 · 2017 · 被引用 39 次 — Wikipedia explains plainly that: “Salvage chemotherapy or palliative chemotherapy is given without curative intent, but simply to decrease tumor load and ...

Palliative chemotherapy with CMF after the same adjuvant ...

由 M Gerritsen 著作 · 1995 · 被引用 5 次 — JC Buckner et al. Results of salvage hormonal therapy and salvage chemotherapy in women failing adjuvant chemotherapy after mastectomy for breast cancer ...

Salvage Therapy

2021年12月27日 — Salvage therapy is used when other forms of primary therapy have not been successful. Learn more about salvage therapy for HIV and cancer.